Managed Security Service Provider? You know the IT support folks.
Recently, you may have seen or heard the term MSSP. MSSP stands for Managed Security Services Provider. MSSP may arise more frequently in your day to day foray onto the internet. This is generally due to the rise in IT service providers focusing significantly more on cybersecurity. So, what exactly does this term entail, and how does it differ from the traditional MSP, Managed Service Provider?
The MSSP’s Role
Maturing into an MSSP prescribes that an MSP’s IT focus shifts to providing more security centric consulting services, providing security structure and most importantly recognizing, proactively, events that trigger a measured security response. Instead of simply executing firmware updates or patching a server, MSSPs actively evaluate data flow and make decisions based on regulatory policy and established procedure while evaluating the risks to their client’s environments.
MSSP’s concentrate on security controls and procedures which dictate secure data flow in and out of a client’s network. This information is analyzed using high resolution software-based analytics with real time network intelligence markers which then facilitate actionable intelligence that can be remediated by the MSSP’s security team. The key piece is the ability to provide the insight needed to proactively make changes to policies and procedures in order to prevent security incidents that might result in breach, data loss, or failure of data availability that could negatively impact a business’s productivity.
Why is Security so important for my business?
If you’re a business owner ask yourself one crucial question, “Am I focused on the bottom line, or am I focused on my businesses data processing capability that guarantees my bottom line” Let’s face the facts, some businesses spend as little as possible on data processing systems because they see it as a recurring cost that really just looks like a bill at the end of the day.
The reality is that few if any businesses can survive without IT. Every failure affects production and that is where the real cost accumulates. The problem most business owners/executives don’t consider is that the daily flow of their data is under 24/7 malfeasant attack via; State Sponsored Hacking, Cyberstortion, Industrial Espionage and Ransomware. There are 23 Texas municipalities that until just recently would have disagreed, unfortunately.
As a business owner you possess data, which surpassed Oil in its actual value. Data is the number one commodity in the world! This is what every business owner/operator should be considering, cost is secondary when you realize your business is just one successful ransomware attack away from BUST.
The three fundamental mechanisms of an MSSP
There are three key ingredients to security every business owner should be well versed in; Is my data available for processing when I need it? Do I have data integrity? Is my data safeguarded and internally confidential?
1. Implementing Security Internally and Externally (Benevolence: we do the job for our customers)
The most important element of an MSSP is the ability to recognizing the scale of which to value a customer’s data based on the business level decisions provided by the client, that both protects the clients’ interests and ability to perform business efficiently. Mature MSP’s understand this, they become effective, trustworthy and successful MSSP’s.
2. Going Beyond the Bare Minimum (Reliability: you can count on us to do the job)
As an MSSP, you ensure you’re providing security services that go beyond simple protection, such as firewalls or antivirus. This means your security solutions are more robust and comprehensive, the clients data processing security is your only concern. These security services require people to act and make decisions, meaning; there needs to be a certain level of expertise at hand which includes real-time high-resolution monitoring. Finally, security information and event management (SIEM), or governance and regulatory compliance. Mature MSSPs operate on this security level as it requires deeply-trained experienced employees and resources that focus on client verticals and the associated security required for their effectiveness.
3. Fully Utilizing Resources (Competence and Integrity: we can do the job our customers require, and we keep our word while performing the job)
The final component of an MSSP is how they define themselves and communicate the value of their security services to clients and prospects. Essentially, what makes them different? MSSP’s have security event management experience, regulatory governance understanding and the capability to implement Data Non-repudiation and Indemnity as a reliable trusted advisor. This is an MSSP, its added as a differentiator for these businesses.
Cybersecurity today is not only about the power of technology, it’s about the power of the people behind the tech. Pioneer 360 have emerged with a security focus that has shifted how we effectively support businesses so they can use their resources—including their own staff or partnerships securely with confidence. Essentially, MSSP’s provide clients with the information, analysis, and risk assessment needed to make educated decisions around risk tolerance and how to bolster IT security company-wide. An MSSP must understand the clients process while improving the security of the process, without reducing the efficiency of the process.